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On Line Bible
Home Q and A Orginal Languages Jonathan Beyer


On Line Study Best for Christ Message Prayer/Study

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Here is your opportunity to enjoy an on line Bible study from the convinces of your home.

    Why Pastor Jonathan?

Do You Want to "Be Your Best for Christ" ?

Preliminary  Survey

 I have no real joy in my life and would like help in discovering the joy He has for me. .  
 I have all kinds of questions and would like you to  contact me. See below.
 I am not sure I am a Christian and would like to find out how I can be one. . 
 I would like to become involved in a Home Bible Study or lead one. 
 I need in depth Bible study and to be equipped to better serve Christ. I would like to study the Bible on line now so that I might be right now "the best I can be for Christ".. . 
 I need in depth Bible study and to be equipped to better serve Christ. I would like to study the Bible at a later time.


Christ died for us while we were sinners, but how do you respond to Christ's love?.

  "God (the Father) commends his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly" Romans 1:8

  I want to show my gratitude for His Great Love.. I want to more fully obey the Great Commission.  I need help. Please contact me about your discipleship program.
 I don't have that kind of love for Christ and  others . I need help. Contact me.  


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