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My Dogs
My Dogs
By the time I was 10 or 11 YO, I had trained my first own dog to a working level. I earned almost all my holiday money and spending money with her until I left home at 16. I did not return to dogs until after a gap of 16 years. The methods we used in the 1950s are the exact same methods, which are being sold by the commercial sector of dog training this past 10/15 years. Commercial so called behaviourists and trainers claim their methods are new methods, rubbish the copied what already existed and resold it but with some commercially influential words and terms. The problem is what they say are ‘training’ ‘positive’ ‘reward’ and terms such as that are fundamentally flawed and used only to make money. I have never seen as many damaged dogs in my lifetime as there are this past 10 to 15 years and it is getting wose, heaven help the modern pet dog owner, they are being exploited to the hilt and ending up with prisoners at the end of a lead for life and al the damage that causes.
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The child trainer
The child trainer 

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