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Crazy Thoughts From Europe

These are just some crazy things that I wrote on a trip to Europe with my friends. I hope they make you laugh as hard as we did. Some of these are really philosophical and some of them are because I hadn't slept in 54 hours. Enjoy!
Dearest Log/Dear Slog,
Today I turned 11. not in body but in spirit. That was it. That was all that happened today and it took only but a moment and there I was. 11 in spirit. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/Dear Slog,
The window is open. The window is closed. Isn't there a little window in all of us? The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog, Parrots. Genious or ignoramus? What is parrot but carrot with a p. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
I dreamed I was covered in pink. Was I one my way to the prom? No. I am cotton candy. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
If man had wings... it would be difficult to buy jackets. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
The dead bird in your pillow will attack you in your sleep. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog, Today I met a duck. He told me his name was George. We talked for hours and hours. Then he sttod up to leave. I asked why he was leaving so abruptly. He said that I was crazy. I asked why he thought I was crazy. He said I was crazy because I had been talking to a duck for hours. With that he took off. I was rather hurt because he beaked me as he flew by. The End. Finale. (beaked- to be hit by a beak)
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
Today I decided to contemplate the colour gray. It reminded me of rocks and thunderclouds. But after much consideration I realized gray is a shade not a colour. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
Empty. Hollow. Void. Are these word describing my soul, my head? No. They are describing my stomach I'm hungry. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
Today I stood in the sun. I wondered what it would be like to be a Tazmanian Devil. I wondered if Tazmanian Devils wonder what it's like to be human. What is wondering anyway? I guess it's imagining. Is it random thought and images or something more? I guess I'll never know. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
Today I saw a taxi. I wondered where it was going. It was traveling rather fast so I asked myself why it was in such a rush. But the question that was plaguing my mind the most was why was the taxi full of sheep? The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
This morning I was bothered by a strange new revelation. It gave me shivers down my spine it was so profound. Hotel is letoh backwards. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
I once had a dog named 4 paws. He was my best friends in the entire world. He had 3 paws. He died. Then I got a dog and named him 4 paw. He had 3 paws. The End. Finale.
Dearest Log/ Dear Slog,
Light. Dark. Light. Dark. Up. Down. Up. Down. Am I talking about my emotions? My moods? No. I am playing with a light switch. The End. Finale.
All of these crazy sayings started one night when my friend Caitlin and I were hyper in a hotel room. We could hear the boys in the room next to us acting crazy so we decided to give them a prank phone call to see what they would do. We specifically asked for Rory every time because his reactions are always hilarious and we thought that he could take a joke. We were wrong and he actually got scared. He was freaking out because we kept calling. They were really loud and angry. We actually got them in trouble. We went to thet teachers and said that THEY were keeping US awake. It was priceless!!

If I had three wishes I don’t think that I would need them all. Just two very specific ones. I think.
1. I would like to be in control of every cell in every body in the capacity that I could manipulate them at will. This would include changing my appearance and the appearance of others. E.g. Hair, eye and skin colour, height, weight, bone structure, sex, muscle tissue, brain cells, teeth, etc. This would also include age because I could age the cells and get older or younger at will. This would in essence make me and anyone else I chose immortal.
2. The second wish would be to control time. I could move forward and backwards at will. I could bring anyone I chose with me.
I have no need for a third wish. I could save it for some occasion. I would never be in need of anything though. As a beautiful person I could model for money, as a smart person I could invent something and with my ability I could go to the future, steal an invention and get a patent for it just before the other person does. I would compensate them so they wouldn’t starve. They would live a comfortable life. I’m not a monster. With my time travel ability I would know what stocks to invest in and when. This would also make me a lot of money. People who wish for fame and fortune are idiots. For my third wish I could give myself super human powers of make myself into a goddess or something like that. That would be sweet. I could control weather or travel the universe. I would figure that out after about a century of time hopping and being everyone. I could impersonate royalty or a celebrity. That would be so cool. I would pull the best practical jokes and I could never get caught. I might make sure that no one could make a wish without my approval. That way no one would do something mean to me or try to take over the world. That wouldn’t make my existence fun. That’s what it’s all about, fun. Fun and power are the keys to life.

If you liked something or thought that I should add something I'd be happy to hear from you. If you thought this site sucked and it wasted precious moments of your life that you will never get back again you don't need to write me and waste more. If, however, you don't have anything better to do I would also be happy to hear what sucked about this site so I can fix it. That way some other unsuspecting person won't get caught in my waste of space. Thanx.


For more about myself and my trip click here There are also some great pictures of my favourite actors.

To read some of my favourite poems click here.

If you want to read some really random sayings that I've collected click here.

If youre looking for some different songs or band try here. I've posted some lyrics of good songs here.