Let all my confessions be in stone..for these words are for you!!

The Books of Confessions

Book 16

Book 16 Intro  Connection  coded Within Our  Better  Something There Is  Because  Taking Interest

"Take Interest, Take Notice, Take Me With You"

The 28th Stagger
Intro:My Confession  Titled With 4 Words  2+8-1 and I Blink 2nd Song From Panama  3x(1+1)=Purple 8th Song From Sydney  9 Seas of XY  6 Trapt Pieces of Glass  8 Words Within Song

"If you're sky falls, let it fall on me"

This Storied Winter
Falling Over  Tainted Celebration  This New Dance Warm Hands The Unfrozen River  Winter's Sun Temperature Rising  Boca Raton 

"Sooner or later this code, it's gonna break and my hands will be warm again"

Coded Adventures
Coded Adventure Intro  Turtle Adventure  The Fence The Sun's Best Friend Looking To Count Pt. 1  Looking To Count Pt. 2 Words Of Equation  49 At Once  The Letters Kay Cee

"I cannot live I can't breathe unless you do this with me"

Birth of A Song
Words Will Be Posted when the Book Has Been Completed
image test  image test  image test image test image test  image test image test  image test  image test

"There are secrets that we keep..."

The Staggers Confessions

Created from the thought and love of a better life, a true connection, and a wonderful friend and companion.