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poetry from a teen

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Virgin Suisudes

A dagger covered w/ bloody pain The feel of it dripping from my veins Makes me feel strong No more do I feel wrong The dark light approaches Its coming near So close to death yet not the least bit of fear Now when I tell my story As I march up to glory Tell my life and how I ended it Tell how in ur face I spit How it was 4 u Now my blood As I c my reflection Looking 4 pure salvation My body will lie decaying as my spirit haunt so It was b/c of u I had to go Some days u want to live and today my life id give to prove my point As the point of the knife in a line of my anger The pain had nothing on what u inflicted the feeling in my heart were ecnations and now u can c how much I really hurt how my life u cursed Blood dripping from my veins And all that took my life was the knife and thoughts in my head And thanks 2 u I am dead


Dark clouds cover the skies Lighting flashes in my eyes Ur life will pay the forfit of my pain Ur soul will mine regain Ur blood on the palms of my hands now do u feel like a man u love me u exclaim y u did it u cant explain and all it did was cause me pain and for ur soul will mine regain u took my innocence my pain continuience with my hands ill take ur life as u did mine I still breath which u wont but live I don’t I may pump blood thru my veins But trust I cant Now ur dead By my hand R u happy it ended this way But still im her to stay I justify what I did I was just a kid So burn in hell U sick fuck I guess tonight u had some bad luck


when we first kissed i thought it was a dream thats how it was when u said it was me u love i was so lucky i hoped if it was a dream that i never woke up that this dream would last forever and that we were truly in love when we split apart i hoped it was a dream but i knew it wasnt it was the firts day i realized we are apart and our love had died i was all alone and on my own thats the day i relized i would never dream again all b/c one dream had to end

i feel u with me

When we started talking i was confused i couldnt tell if u liked me or if i was beig used I didnt know u hardly at all how did i know in love i would fallwe were so different that is a fact but rumor has it opposits attract never would have believed it to b true till i relized i loved ui thought i found my 1 true love i had found my place that i had found a guy that was great i tought i found that speciel person was it fate i believe we were meant to be together then and forever my love ending never my love 4 u will never die un like you it will stay alive i loved being near u and i feel i still am god took u from me physically but ur w/ me spiritually ur always w/ me though were apart ur w/ me and will always b in my heart


Why do i cry for you should i feel used? im lost and confused the love i had for you is still there these feelings of pain and despair are feelings i just cant bare i had you once but now your gone ive been told to move on on the out side im fine but not in my mind i cant stand being without you in my heart i am so blue i dont know whta to do you gave me all the love i dreamed of i thought was sent from above my feelings are now twisted torn apart like my teenage heart trampled and beaten i feel useless and cheated why do i feel this way why would i want you to stay now that were through all i want to do is be with you i ask what did i do to you i have no clue but i will stay and wait for you to want me back as i do you

my winters

my days r cold with out u my body is in frost i have been freezing since u i lost ur heat can not warm me ur body doesnt heat my heart i need u back y did we part u left me cold when i was so hot u left me so right on the spot now i am like ice and as cold as snow its all because u left me alone

Constant Rejection

Why cant you love me why do you see every one above me what did i do wrong Towards me you have constant rejection you rufuse to show me any effection you send me away in your oppisit direction you leave me with my emotions weathered all i can say with tears in my eyes maybe another day telling my self lies why wont you tell me why you never care how much i cry how much i hurt how much pain im in from my father is constant rejection

Abandoned child

How come you left me alone, left me to face the harsh world on my own, yuo helped make me, then you left me, I was your daughter, did you miss my laughter? Did you ever see the sun dance across my face, to you was i a disgrace, a symble of your mistaks? Did you wonder how i turned out, or did you care? did you ever think of me, or was i a memory of despair...... did you ever think of how i was if i was ok or did you want to know? was i a total embarrassment? you left me with out a call.... did you think of me at all? did you ever think of me as your daughter.....because i never thought of you as my father

Friends are forever

you told me to forget her but friends are forever you told me she didnt want us together but friends are forever you said she talked about me i gave her the benifit of the doubt you started my suspetions on what you had against her did she know somthing i didnt where you afraid she did or did you know somthing about her you wouldnt tell me all i could say was friends are forever you pushed hard but i pushed harder i found out the truth you ran around with her sister im glad my friends are forever but you lied i cried you tried to force my friendship to end you where a criminal you said it was because you didnt wnat me hurt and i told you friends are forever your just a guy shell always be there and for one reason thats because friends are forever

A Stronger Heart

No more questions why no more tears ill cry for now i have a stronger heart no more expecting only excepting no more despair no more lies no more trying to become somthing im not for now i have a stronger heart no more games no matter were apart ill always have a stronger heart


I once was in love.......... but i became torn....... im terrified and alone, like a new born orphan..... alone in the world wanting to be held, friends say give up but i have rebelled.... i have so much hurt so much pain, im headed down a one way lane, i look in the mirror and all i see is tears pain and suffering as my reflection of me i cry al night, i cry all day wondering what to do, wondering what to say thinking ill get you back ill find a way wondering whta i could have done to make you stay was i not good enough this is really rough i thought i was tough was it somthing i did to make you leave you stole my heart like a theif........ you left me torn in despair torn like you ripped out my heart i was dying inside because we were torn apart this was all by your own will y do i want you back well because i am dumb and love you still
