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Bad Things by Wednesday 13


To live is to love
To die is to hate
For me I am dead
My memory erased
My reason to live gone with the wind
Died with out a soul
To comfort him
He died a painful death
He died because he was murdered
I miss him
I know you don't
Why live with out him
Why not die
Only 1 person would care
Why not kill me
No one will mind


My world is black
Full of sadness
All the happiness
Is clouded by darkness
To live my life is to live a hell
It started with death
And it will end with mine.
Will it be today?
Will it be tomorrow?
If not today or tomorrow
How soon will it come?


I rarely cry
yet I cried
I cried over death
I cried over the pain
I cried over the loss
I cried over Maximus
I cried for days
I yelled and screamed
But I still cried


The dog was born at 4:59
And he was mine and mine alone
I would have him till the end
But when the end came
I thought I was going to die
He was not even but 1 years of age
He was still a pup
Even his parents get all depressed
We fell into a slump that would never end
Finally his father died
Oh what a crime our neighbor committed
For he gave him Antifreeze
Which killed him oh so slowly
Oh what a painful death he had to have
For now I have but one wish
Which is to get the dog back
The dog was special for he
Knew me like no other
He was my friend, my companion, my dog
Now that the dog is back
The slump has ended and life will go on
But then the end came again
This time forever
For now the dog is dead
He died without me
He died without love
He died without his parents
He died at 2 years of age
The dog will live on but only in my memory
For he was not the sweetest dog in the world
He was the meanest
But for that I loved him
For when I was mad he kept people away
For he was an extra large dog
With a bite to match
But now he is dead my world
Has stopped once again
For now life cant go on without the dog
I lost him once and now
I have lost him again
My world has stopped
My life has stopped
Never to restart again
Now my one wish is to die
And end my suffering


My world is bleak
It wont turn around
that is until JJ
I never simile since Maximus
But I smiled with JJ
He made me laugh
He made me happy
No one could do that
I seemed happy
But I wasn't
That was a front
I always had a front
Its there for a reason
JJ never has seen that front
He sees the real me
He knows when I'm depressed
He knows when I'm upset
He knows the reason for my front
We can talk for hours on end
Why not at least I am happy
And he seems to be too


The end is near I feel it coming
It comes in silence
It comes in a flash
It always comes
It never stays
I always know the end
But then there is a new beginning
The End and then the beginning
A never ending pattern
It will never stops
Because the End keeps passing me by
Staying for a hour, a day, a week
Sometimes even a month
Yet it always leaves me again
To repeat its cycle


Death is the end
People have died
I will die
You will die
Some sooner than others
Some die with a reason
Others do not
Don't let yours be one of those
Mine will not be


A big dog
A loyal dog
A beautiful dog
A strong dog
A friendly dog
My dog is a Rottweiler
Angel is her name
And that is what she is
That is what they all are


My life is pathetic
Not worth living
I wish I was dead
Not even here
Dead and alone
I wish I was there
By myself
Where I can waste away
No one around
To die in peace


I hate my life
Nothing worth living
Clouded by death
Clouded by sadness
Clouded by darkness
Kill me when the light is near
That way I don't have to travel far
To see my father
To see my grandfather
To see my Maximus
To see my Damien
To see all I have lost
To live once again
To finally be truly alive


To live is to love
To die is to hate
For me I am dead
My memory erased
My reason to live gone with the wind
Died with out a soul
To comfort him
He died a painful death
He died cause he was murdered
I miss him
I know you don’t
Why live with out him
Why not die
Only 1 person would care
Why not kill me
No one will mind
I know you wont
Because you don't
Give a shit about me
Even I don't
Give a shit about me


I stand alone
No one by my side
No one cares
Not even I care
Why should they care?
I stand alone
No cares in the world
No one to love
Everyone important is dead


I want to die
I don't care
Where I go
As long as I'm not here
Away from it all
Death is the end
Id die
A peaceful death
No one cares
No one cares
I'm including myself
I don't care
Id be happy
With the ones I love
Death is the end
The end is where I want to be


I will not
Shed a tear
Over loss
Over death
Over anything again
I don't care
Who it is
Why it was
I will not
Shed a tear


I'm tired
Of screaming
I'm tired
Of the hate
I'm tired
Of this life
I'm tired
Of everything
I'm tired
Of this life
I'm tired
Of being alive
I'm just tired


Why do you care?
Why don't I care?
How can you care?
Why cant I care?
I know I hate myself
How can you bare to be around me?
Just answer me Why?


I stand alone
No one by my side
No one cares
Not even I care
Why should they care?
I stand alone
No cares in the world
No one to love
Everyone important is dead
So why should I care?
You don't care
I don't care
I give up on my life
Its not worst it
To hard to care
To worthless to live
I give up
You've already given up on me
I in turn gave up on myself


Damn it all
I hate this life
Damn it to hell
Fuck life and
Everything with it
Damn it all
Damn it to hell
It can kiss my ass
I don't even care
Damn it all
Fuck it all
I give up
Just damn it all to hell
Now leave me alone
And to die a peaceful death


Let me die
Let kill myself
Don't try and stop me
Just leave me be
Alone is how I am
Alone is what I like
Just Alone
Suicide is perment
I realize that
I want to die
I need to die
End my suffering


I never could have known
How much you mean to me
As a friend and as a person
You've helped me so much
More than anyone I know
Dealing with the deaths
That haunt my past
The deaths of
My father
my best friend, Ivan
and of Maximus
I cried when ever
I thought of them
For they had meant the world to me
Now I do not cry as often
For this I love you
As a friend
And think of you as a hero
For all you have done
And how you have touched my life
No longer I think of suicide
For you saved me from that
By making my life a lot brighter
I look forward to talking to you
Even though I've never met you in person
I never could have known
How much you mean to me
As a Friend and as a person
For you are the reason
I am alive today


My emotions had been locked up
Now you have found the key
The key that I thought could not be found
Now my emotions are unlocked and
Reeking havoc upon my life
But its ok they had to be unlocked sometimes
Just now is not the time though
They are going back under the lock
A lock that I only have the key
Because I have been hurt to much
In so short a time
Not by you, you've never hurt me
You've only helped and I'm thankful for that
I just can't handle with what comes with emotions
That is why I have told few "I love you"
But meant it to two fully heartedly
One is dead and the other is you
I hope you understand when I say
"I need to have no emotions"
For I have to many problems when I wear
My emotions upon my sleeve


Memories are what binds
Us to our past
Memories are not always happy
Memories are not always sad
We have a mixture of both
Be they of death or birth
Deaths are sad
Births are happy
So you see they come hand in hand

Pintos and Rottweilers My other site



Love those who love you and care for your past, present, and future.

The only fight worth fighting for is the fight for love.

Fight for love not against it.

Take your own advice. (I need to do that one)

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