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Daisies For Love!
Monday, 4 December 2006
hello, poem
I know you think I need help, I know you think I'm insane.
Don't judge unless you've felt, the sadness pain,
I was born to be depressed, brain damage from the start.
There's only evil within me, love never entered my heart.
I don’t even want any friends, I'm too depressed to have fun.
I just like to keep it inside, wishin my life to be done.
There's nothing you could do to make me want to live.
I just want to be gone, my life I want to give.
I don’t want to go to heaven or hell, I wanna just be done.
What will happen if I pick up the gun?
I don’t give a fuck anymore.
My life is so fucked up, there's nothing to live for.
So before I die I'll let everyone know, I gave in to my pain.
Now I've lost it, I'm no longer sane.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:36 PM EST
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I'm going to draw a picture,
A picture on my wrist.
I'm going to draw it with a razor.
I'm going to draw it just like this.
And when I start to draw,
A fountain will appear,
And suddenly all my problems
Will slowly disappear.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:36 PM EST
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a poem

This is a kill yourself list
Hit your head with your fist
Take razors to your wrists
And drink rum till you're so pissed
You place the barrel of a gun
Under your tongue and place your thumb
Upon the trigger but I figure
That you're bigger than a river
Of your blood and of your brains
And of the cutting of your veins
To ease the sharpest of your pains
Some facts remain so clearly plain
It's not your friend when thoughts within
Turn into triggers to break skin
You're not a loser, you can win
Rise over pain and just ascend

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:35 PM EST
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a good one
Depression, aggression, succession, it all comes for free.
Happiness comes never, happiness is gone forever,
When your whole life is screwed up,
And you can't fix nothing.
Nothing left is real,
You have no skills,
Your soul is gone,
Everyone hates you,
Your future is dim.
This is depression.
Depression, aggression, succession, it all comes for free.
Happiness comes never, happiness is gone forever,
When you have nothing left,
And you have no clue,
About what’s happening in your life,
Or what you can do.
You have no life,
There is nothing left to live for.
All you hear is screaming,
So then you slam the door.
Depression, aggression, succession, it all comes for free.
Happiness comes never, happiness is gone forever.
You've got good friends,
That make you feel good,
But then you go home.
Living in hell,
More screaming,
Doors slamming,
There goes your fist,
And the wall its ramming!
Depression, aggression, succession, it all comes for free.
Happiness comes never, happiness is gone forever.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:35 PM EST
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I watch the blade slice through my skin.
I hear the screaming and see the grins.
People stress it is so stupid
But they don’t know the tortures of life.
In public I act so happy
But what they don’t know is I’m carrying my knife
Close to my side so close it is cutting,
Slicing, ripping, skin hanging by a thread.
Its quite a miracle I’m not already dead.
The scars surround me, each with a story.
I assure you each one is gory.
People ask why I like to cut.
People ponder why I want to gut.
I tell them it is insurance,
A constant reminder that I’m alive.
It tells me, assures me that bloods still running,
Streaming through my broken heart.
I never can find inside myself
To take my life, to take my health.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:34 PM EST
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another poem
You think you know me
You have no idea how I feel
To be shut out from the world
It's almost like it isn’t real.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:34 PM EST
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another one
To be so angry, and hurt inside
Never carin or given a shit
So that’s when I finally decide
That I mustn't throw a fuckin fit
about this dumb shit!

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:32 PM EST
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a poem of lonliness
She wanders aimlessly
Through an abyss
Of pure darkness
With no torch
With nobody there
With no light
With no warmth
With no one in sight
No soul to guide her
But her own
Without a thought
Of her own
She strays
From her life
The deeper
It goes
She strays
From herself
Losing all hope
Of finding someone else.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:39 PM EST
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a poem of betrayal
Puts trust in,
It comes right back
Gets hurt
One more time
She gets back upon
Her two feet again.
She never gives up.
She never gives in
Determined she is
To make and keep a friend
Tired of being used
And Abused

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:38 PM EST
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a poem of hate
Often ridiculed
Often scared
Often Mad
Often pessimistic
Rage rules her day
As she clenches a fist
Brandished high
Scowling her enemy
Her heart
Feels a flame
She walks on
In her suffering
Pushing on
With her own might
Accepting no ones help
In her journey
Reality blocks
Her way
To true happiness everyday

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:37 PM EST
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a poem of fear
Scared and anxious
Nervous and worried
Frightful her haunting
Dreams of death
Careful of her Feelings.
She wants to fit in
But feels rejected
Slowly she mends
Her broken heart
Which long ago
Fell apart
Surely shell fix
Her tortured soul
Her torn soul
Her fear fed soul

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:36 PM EST
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a poem of suicide
Suicide crosses mind
Darkness is her ally
Light she hates
Pain is all she ever felt
Blood and knives
Crying and sorrow
Broken her heart and soul
Her wounds will not heal

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:32 PM EST
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a poem of sorrow
Weeping, tears
Cutting away fears
Crying torrents
Of emotion
Regret and guilt
Feed her soul
Pain and sorrow
Pull at her heart
Blood trickles down her wrist
Tears cloud her vision
Like the morning mist
Her soul has no mission

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 7:31 PM EST
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Sunday, 3 December 2006
i just wanna cry
fuck. i just wanna cry. my ♥ is broken. FUCK IT ALL!

71X RaVeN

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:57 PM EST
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for laine
this is for Laine
because i love you!

youre currently my everything
youre currently my all
you seem to be the one
to catch me when i fall.

youre the one i wait for
each and every day
youre the one i love
in every single way.

youre the ne who listens
when i start to rant
youre the reason i can
when i start to think i cant.

the reason for my happiness
please know its only you
but more than that please know
that all these words are true!

71X RaVeN

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:29 PM EST
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a prayer from a cutter
now i lay me down to sleep
through my sleeve my blood will seep
Lord, let me die before i wake
i dont know how much more i can take.

i think im cutting way too deep
releasing the pain i cannot keep
if i die, make no mistake
my knife and bloodstains i will take.

right up to God, i will not sleep
until i know i can keep
my knife, my blood, my pain, my hate
i pray to God, i never do wake.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:17 PM EST
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attack of the cutters
who never were loved
attack of the angels
banished from above
attack of the spirits
chained to the earth
attack of the children
murdered at birth
attack of the demons
who have no real home
attack of the teens
abandoned, alone
attack of our army
vengeful and crying
attacking ourselves
bleeding and crying.

71x RaVeN

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:13 PM EST
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a poem
becoming the person
i vowed to never become
a goth, a cutter
who hates her mom

bleeding and crying
upset and alone
i cut my wrists
right to the bone

immersed in hate
absorbed in pain
my bleeding wrists
will leave a stain.

theres no one here
to see my tears
and cutting helps
to calm my fears.

i hate myself
for these bleeding tears
but i keep doing it
cause no one cares.

71X RaVeN

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 11:08 PM EST
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another poem!
The romance of my razor to my wrist

Traveling through
The mist of blood
Drenched with pain
And grief and mud.

Blood is sparkling
In the reflection
Of the Christmas tree
But it draws no attention

Yet that’s how I want it
Silent and still
Want them to ignore me
As they so often will.

I want to bleed
And I cant deny it
My body demands it
And I cant defy it.

Laughter below
But I cant listen
I’m in the bathroom
Watching my razor glisten.

And my step dad
Just walked by
He doesn’t care
He watches me cry.

And so I cut
Cause I’m alone
I want to be
But I want home.

I want to write
To Santa Claus
And ask him about
My dire flaws.

I must have many
Cause I’m so hated
I surely did something
To be so fated.

I’m sorry for
Whatever I did
I cant take it back
But this pain has no lid.

It bubbles
It overflows
To my wrist
It goes.

Out into my heart
Is this empty pain
Pelting down on sorrow
In cold and singing rain.

This fucking knife
Is in my hand
I hide scars by
Bracelets and wrist bands

And long sleeves
And sweaters
If I was dead
I would be better.

The blood is just pouring
I’m out of breath
I’m pale as snow
I’m cold as death.

This is what happens
I wouldn’t lie
But when you're addicted
You often die.

Blame it on depression
When its all your fault
Cuttings an obsession
From emotional assault.

It doesn’t really matter
I don’t care anymore
I cant take it now
Ill be gone forever more.

Please tell my knife
Ill miss him
And the times my
Wrist kissed him.

Now its done
I cant go back
I know for sure
Cause all is black.

71X RaVeN

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 10:45 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 10:47 PM EST
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a poem...
im reading this story, and i wanted to write a poem about the feelings in it, so here i go!...

My thoughts are bottled up,
I can't control my crying.
And my whole world was shattered when I realized you were lying.
Yet all I seem to think about is how we fell apart.
And now I'm sad to have to say you're no more in my heart.
But even as I go back and uncover all your lies,
it only seems the thought I see, are your perfect deep blue eyes.
A love so deep and sensuous, I tried to make it last.
And no matter how I wish I could, I can't control the past.
If only you had figured out you had won this woman's heart;
then maybe things would have been different if you'd known that from the start.
As twisted as this may sound, I just tried to close my eyes.
Wishing that deep down inside, your words weren't just a bunch of lies.
But then I had to open them and listen to what my mind was saying.
But I had waited too long, it was too late, and now my heart is paying.

Posted by poetry/daisiesforlove at 5:18 PM EST
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