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Hello and Welcome to Broken Words for Broken Hearts.. This site is dedicated to the pain and heartbreak that begins when two people fall out of love. I have recently had a relationship ended that I wanted to go on…but the other person needed to grow and find their true self. I applaud that and wish her well.

I venture to say, that through writing the poetry that I do helps me deal with all the emotional turmoil that brews inside of me. Some of my work is very dark and full of pain… Other pieces tend to be a little less filled with pain and deal with what I have gained from the loss.

I am putting this page together so all those who wish can share their pain and their verse. I truly feel that my writing is therapeutic. I hope you think so too.

Thank you for your time and I hope to see some submissions soon. In the meanwhile, I will be posting some of my work for others to enjoy or critique.

Hope to hear from you soon,


My Personal Words
The Words of Others