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Brian's Bio and Facts

<p>His Personality</p>

Brian is a total crack-up, who is always ready to have fun and make people laugh. He's a very caring and generous person. He would do anything for the people that he loves.He's the shyest out of the group but when you get to know him, he's very lively and young at heart. He's extremely down-to-earth, talented and has be known to shed a tear or two! Overall, Brian is just an all-round nice guy, full of energy and determination with the wit of Jim Carrey! You'll love him once you get to know him:)

~BRIan'S BIOdata~

Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
Date of Birth: 20th February 1975
Place of Birth: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Nicknames: B-rok, Seaver, Mr. Joker, Bri, Frick and Babyduck
Wife: Leighanne Littrell (A beautiful actress)
Zodiac: Pisces
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Pale blue eyes
Family: Dad, Harold; Mon, Jackie; Older bro, Harold Jr
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140 lbs
Pets: Lil' Tyke, Litty Leigh (Chihuahuas), Missy (a cat)


Food: Macaroni and cheese
Movie: Star Wars and almost all Jim Carrey's movies
Artiste: Boyz II Men
TV Show: Friends
Actor: Jim Carrey
Actress: Sandra Bullock, Pamela Anderson
Colour: Midnight blue
Sports: Basketball


~In Germany, when asked when the first time he had sex was, he replied with "Nine", thinking it meant "No."

~Believe it or not, Brian NEVER took a singing lesson in his entire life! He's a natural singer!:)

~When asked what movie he'd take a girl to see on their first date, he said 'Ghost' coz, "she might cry and I could put my arm around her."

~During his highschool years, whenever there was a party on, Brian and his friends would rather hang out at home and play video games and watch movies.. ie. he was seldom at the big Friday night bashes!!! Seems like he's still the same as Brian and Nick are the less party-animal types in the group and prefer to retire to their hotel rooms after concerts instead of going out clubbing or partying!!!

~Brian once let a spider bite get infected and he had to get stitches!!!

~Even though to us, Brian seems like the bouncy , healthy and energetic type which of course he is, he was warned by his doctor to cut down on all the fatty junk food he was eating!!!The doctor was apparently amazed at how fit and athletic Brian was at concerts, considering all the unhealthy stuff he was shoveling into his body!!!

~When he was in highschool, he realized that his dream of becoming an NBA player wasn't all that realistic after he got cut from the team once again...BUT he said to himself," I can play just as good as any of those guys but none of them can sing like me.":)

~Brian has never drank beer in his life because he thinks there's no point in it, and that is bad for your health.

~When Brian was very young, he had a serious illness which kept him in the hospital for quiet a while... the doctors told his parents to go ahead and make funeral arrangement coz he supposedly had no chance of living... thankfully a miracle happened and Brian fought his way back to recovery...:)

~Brian never goes anywhere without his basketball

~His best friend is Nick and his cousin is Kevin!

~He's a quick learner...Lenny Mollings(one of the band's guitarist) has been teaching Brian how to play the guitar and he can pick up a tune just like that!!

~He misses sleeping in his 50$ waterbed!

~He has a fear of heights and he bites his nails!

~He once had a job co-ordinating weddings...

~As a good luck precaution, everytime he boards a plane, he kisses his fist and taps it against the plane

~In the group, Brian is known as Frick while Nick is known as Frack

~Brian's favourite subject at school was...Math and Physical Education!

~If they ever make a movie about his life, Brian would like Brad Pitt to play the role!!

~He calls his brother's kid, 'Fart'

~Kevin says that sometimes Brian makes these weird snorting noises and he doesn't even realize it!!