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Poetry Comes From the Heart
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I'm sure you've heard of this place. The place where everthing you say, is safely put away. The place where you open up, and say what you want.

I'm sure you've felt this joy. This joy of knowing that tomorrow, these things will still be there, wether your feelings are or not.

I'm sure you've felt discouraged. Discouraged so much that you didn't know what to say. Or who to say it to. all you could do was think of ways to encourage yourself

But i'm equally as sure, that you have felt love. Love from someone whom you love too. Love that makes your toes curl. That makes you smile and laugh at the simple things.

those feelings, my friends, are what poetry does to me. It makes me feel safe, joyful, discouraged, loved. Hope fills the air when distress makes us choke.

That is worth writing about...

There indeed are...

many things, great and small

these are the thing, I love most of all

like a locket

with picutres stored away

close to the heart

where they will stay