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Cloaked In Darkness Poems

My Poems(currently updating the depressing section)
Famous Poems(hasnt been updated in quite awhile)
Your Poems(dont even know whats on here anymore)
Book Recommendations(hasnt been updates in a looong time)
Links(half these didnt work when i tried..needs major updating)
About Me( a survey, and soon answers to quizzie things i take)
Lryrics of My Life (hehe hasnt been updated in ahwhile...try under darkwriter2
Ramblings(no new ones.if you want to see my thoughts..www.freeopendiary under prisoner_of_my_mind)

Welcome to my poetry site. I'm in the process of updating it so bear with me. I've got over a hundred poems now, so I think that I’ll finally attempt to put my whole collection up. Some of these I don’t particularly like, so they may get changed..for the most part they stay the same though..oh and I used to be real good w/ graphics and stuff but I haven’t had the time so yes I know the backgrounds are boring after the initial poems..sawy…kk i'll quit jabbering so you can read...please sign my makes me feel loved..and if u have any favorites or least favorites or anything constructive to tell me at all..please do :) K off I go to put some of these on… .
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