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My life...

12 July 2003

The first week (and a half) has been nice. It is nice to back home and to see family and friends again. As I havn't been here too long yet I havn't started missing people too much.
Yesterday evening I went to an amazing consert in the church on Blidö. It was a Blues&Gospel consert with a Danish blues band, an American gospel and blues singer and the reverend (Sumpen) on trumpet. I had a great time and I was amazed of how this lady (Janice Harrington) used her music to bring the gospel to ordinary people.
In a couple of hours my cousins are coming to stay for the weekend. I havn't seen them in a year. My youngest cousin Henrik was newly born when I last saw him.

23 February 2004

I know i haven't done anyting to my page but hopefully I will in the future.
Last week I was away with the family in Idre, Swedish alps. I had a great time skiing, realxing and spending time with the family.