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William P. Haynes

"Mesphisto, Satan, the devil, they may even be sitting here tonight, among us as I speak."

Welcome to the Church of Mesphisto's Seed. This is the official fan web site of William P. Haynes and his literature. Feel free to browse, read the excerpts and poetry at your own risk. I, nor the author of these great works, can be held responsible for your escalating fear and dread. Join the Church and become an official Mesphisto follower.
Check back often, as this site is growing.

Excerpt from Curse of Mesphisto's Seed

Buy the Curse of Mesphisto's Seed Here

Excerpt from Mesphisto's Seed 2: The Apocalypse of Silence

Buy Mesphisto's Seed 2: The Apocalypse of Silence Here

About the Author

'elliott's Scrapbook

Web Page created by Kimberly LeMaster
All right reserved to William P. Haynes © 2008
Contact: Webmistress
William Haynes