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Cricket's Poetry

When Cricket began creating this site, it's purpose was to share her poetry with you. Now she is sharing her life. “FANTASTIC” Charcoal eyelash Grinning butterfly Sulky white trash Dusty Starry-eyed dolly Gone and ripped his stitches Love is an infection Weeping Rusty nails are ugly Don’t you drop your britches Flying underwater Trust me Comic politician I hate peaches Fail to compensate And we’ll offend you Gloves and a ladder He likes to sparkle “SHANGRI-LA” Listen to the waves breaking Wind’s combing through your hair Cloudless sky is breath-taking Smell lilac in the air The bushes of the stony ledge are shaking HAIKU Found slumber tonight A moonlit ledge at the lake Silent charcoal star “Never” I glimpsed across the lake (oh beautiful lake!) which looked as if it were glowing and felt absolute happiness. A fragrant wind was blowing. Here love was singing in the birds and the flowers! The willow trees with swinging branches--all of this was ours! Smiling, I turned toward my love. He looked depressed. I asked him what was amiss, “What has made you stressed?” His eyes were glistening, brimming with tears. Just looking at him confirmed my worst fears. His second thoughts were at my cost. I knew his love for me was lost. He walked away without speaking a word. I shouted his name but he was undeterred. Over the water the eerie night peacefully crept. Weeping until sleep took me, without dreams I slept. My eyes opened and I thought to myself, “Something must be wrong”. All the light, the warmth, the laughter was gone! The icy stars, that used to gaze at me from the dark curtains of the sky, became diminishing cinders whispering their last goodbye. All was silent and still, but the drifting of the ashes Was somber in itself as they fell onto my lashes. I observed as they reached the ground, sending up twists of gray smoke. Suddenly something within me awoke. A tear ran down my cheek, leaving behind it a clean line in the dust. Then a cry burst out of me, escaping in a gust. I remembered what had happened, the tragedy-- Kneeled down in the ash and wished that death had taken me. Before my eyes there came a vision of that fateful day When the aurora-painted heavens took my life away. I’d been longing to reveal to him my furtive place, wearing my dress of fragile lace. Waiting to fall into his sound embrace, I lingered, but he never arrived. Casting down my daisy chain, I commenced to weep and it began to rain. All that I pondered was his potential disdain as I rested on the rocks of the lake. I dreamt, in my reverie he was almost real. My mind turned then to the notion of repeal. I felt repentant and suddenly puerile. Never had I been so lost. I stirred, and to my surprise, There stood the boy with stars in his eyes! The string of flowers around my neck he tied. I’d have liked to slight him but was bound in his gaze. Our fingers interlaced and we lent ourselves to soft repose, watched as the sky painted itself the colour of the rose. The night faded away like the melting of the snows. Dayspring had never been so melodious. My visage became the hue of reddest wine as I kissed the mouth of he for which I did pine. His hand traveled up my back, as would a climbing vine. Time stood still to watch us burn. None of this was now remaining. I had lost all, and was no longer gaining. The agony incited me to surrender-- Drawing a blade that was sleek and slender. I raised the dagger high over my head, then into my heart it was imbedded. Letting myself collapse onto the ground-- My last gasping breath was the only sound. The boy returned to see my fall. He had not anticipated this at all. I was still and gray as stone. Because of him I died alone.

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Read Cricket's Journal
Zero's Band

Email: paintourreverie@netscape.neet