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So This Is Victor Tango Area


So This Is Victor Tango Area
They send us out the first few nights with others who've been here for a while.

We're suppose to learn from them, ask questions and watch there style..
The truck ride is long, the night view is of beauty.
We wind up deep in the jungle and start a new tour of duty.
Kilo 58 and 59 plus trainees make four K-9 units.
Off the truck down a trail and around a mountain of boxes the group sits.
The Veterans are calm, relaxed, and seem fine.
Then whose knees are knocking, I guess that they're mine.
Say guys, what is that box that you are sitting on and all of those here and there?
They must be important to be guarded by us way out in.. God knows where.
Oh just bombs, big ones, small ones, any kind you want ones.
Just don't think about it because it will ruin all our fun.
But what if Charlie gets in, what do we do?
We'll all get blown to hell so what else is new?
These ones stacked up here are all one thousand pounds.
Those are five hundred pounds, Napalm, and these.. say did you here that sound?
We all listen as quiet as can be.
War dogs sense nothing, I guess it's just me.
Say with all of this stuff stacked up as far as the eye can see
there must be lots of other guys around here watching besides you and me.
You're joking it can't really be true, there is got to be more than just us and a few..
So this is where the war machine stores all its big stuff.
Man.. these 351 days left are going to be rough.
Do you think Charlie knows what we got way out here?
Hey man last week I had fresh sandal tracks and they sure were not deer.
Anytime Charlie wants he can come in because he owns the night...
Now remember that you cherries, now let's get out of sight.
Charlie wants you to worry.. which night it will be if he comes in through the
bush or back there by the sea.
If this place blows up.. man we wont even be found...
Think I'll take war dog out and just walk around.. hey wait. Don't go by yourself
just yet..
I am suppose to be with you tonight, sorry sometimes I forget.
4 o'clock seems to never come, but it does and the base is still asleep and tomorrow
night, we do it all again.....

This area blew up in August of 71. Live rounds were going off for nearly a week
The picture was taken by a K-9
George Reavis

Some of the damage that was found after the day of the attack.