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Goodbye To My Friend

Kobuc was a war dog that I learned to trust again and again.
He was one of the many dogs of the 483rd K-9 men.
We went through a lot my dog and me. When my tour was over he had to stay
but I went home free.
I knew there would come a day when I'd say goodbye.
Back then just thinking of the time would cause me to sigh.
The day would come and I'd be allowed to pick his new friend.
I watched the new troops and after a few days, I picked him,
the one that would take my place, to him Kobuc would be his next friend.
Now all is left is saying to the k-9 dog goodbye.
Well boy ,I guess you wonder why you're not going out tonight again.
We've never had off two days in a row.
After tonight someone else will come here..
And feed you and ask you if you want to go on a walk. You won't let him.
At first because you are mine and mine alone.
But you'll remember this has happened before to you here.
Yes, it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye Kobuc , thanks for watching over me.
Thanks for keeping my parents oldest son alive these 365 days.
Thanks for listening to me talk about all my problems, joys, complaints,
and personal conversations. We've been through a lot.
I'll not be back to see you so the new guy will have a chance.
So as not to confuse you so you can keep him alive for the next year like you did me.
A part of me will always be here looking at you through this fence.
I think you know this is the last day for us. It's hard to leave you here,
but I sure do want to go home.
This is your home as long as you are here it will be a safe home
for many people on the base. Goodbye boy. I'll never forget you.
At this writing I was 46 years old. It seems like yesterday I said goodbye to Kobuc.
I think of him often. What a great, wonderful, faithful friend.
I still carry his picture in my wallet to show people. I am proud of him.
One day I'll find out who gave him to the Air Force and thank them.

                                         Memorial Stone at NJ Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
                                     It is located on Memorial Drive, to the right as you enter
                                             by the first tree. Kobuc always loved trees.