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HoMe PaGe
wEiRd fRiEnDs
cRaZy FaMiLy
PpL @ O'nEiLL
PpL @ cMiS
BeEn ThErE, dOnE tHaT
LoNg AgO

View Guestbook of 2002-2003

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WhY dOn'T yOu JuSt mE...

!!!!!!! My CrAzY LiFe!!!!!!!

...Shoot for the MOON...if you MISS you'll still be among the STARS...

...Hi there...
I see you've stumbled onto my website... I bet you're wondering what you're doing here. If you don't know me, then I wonder the same thing, since this is really only interesting to people that know me... anyways, this whole thing actually started when I had to create a 6 page website for my IT class in 11th grade, and since then I've just kept it up and running. I don't update it regularily like i probably should as a good website host...hehehe...but then again, this isn't a blog, so who choice...hahaha...anyways the point is that this website has been around for a good 7 years now which is pretty long in website time, and I thought that it was finally time to update it once again.

!!!Our Gorgeous Son!!!

well, that's what I'm up to right now... the rest of my website is about the following...
ok, well, it's all about my crazy life..... It has a site on my crazy friends.... That's the friend's I had in my high school back in Thailand before I moved. They've all moved all over the world now but I'm sure we'll all meet up some day....I think....I hope....anyways...

There's also a page about some friends that I've made at O'Neill CVI which is where I've spent the last year of my high school career...
There are many pictures on this webpage, so make sure you'll check it out....anyways....then there's a page about my family.....they're pretty cool and I miss all of us being together.....uh oh, and there's a page about my past.....that's pretty much just know, pictures of when I was a baby and stuff.....
....there's another page that's all about cmis....the school that I've gone to from 4th to 11th's in Chiang Mai.....but the page is mainly about the people there, and less about the actual school....cause it's the people I miss, and not as much the school itself.....There's a page about the places I've been..... there's also a's really cute, it's actually a little world map where you can put a mark where you posted it from!!! So check it out!!! and I expect you to sign it if you bothered to read this far.....hey, you don't really have a choice, so just give in and sign the


Here's some pages about different things in my life...
PLACES i've been and THINGS i've experienced

@ 2004... L'ecole Hotelier Cesar Ritz Le Bouveret, Switzerland