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Do me a favor. Go change the sheets on your bed. Yes. Do it now. I want to visualize you lying there on Clean Sheets. Appropriate, for the art in this issue of the Gallery is erotic which is also the focus of Clean Sheets Erotica Magazine.

It's a "weekly magazine devoted to encouraging and publishing quality erotic fiction, poetry, and art..." Founded in 1998 by editor Susannah Indigo, the ezine has notes (Short Sheets), articles, book reviews, in addition to literary art. The most recent edition announces a Summer Erotic Writing Contest and features poetry by Kate Guest, Diana May, Rodney Terich Leonard, and Dorothy Bates (the best of this batch, in my view). All manner of sex related tidbits can be found here, without resorting to the outright pornographic.

The poetry guidelines outline the expectations of the poetry editor, Devan Macduff. Mr Macduff likes the poetry to be "Sexuality of the oozing kind...," and emphasizes an interest in the imaginative use of line breaks. Simultaneous submissions and reprints are acceptable.

Ok, go back to your bed with its fresh, clean sheets and celebrate, for as I learned from the ezine, May is National Masturbation month!

Until next time,