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Poem found In Mother's Bible


        "Poem Found in Mother's Bible"

        God hath not promised
        skies always blue.
        Flower strewn pathways
        all our lives through.
        God hath not promised
        Sun without rain,
        Joy without sorrow,
        Peace without pain.
        But God has promised
        Strength for the day,
        Rest for the laborer
        Light on the way,
        Grace for the trial,
        Help from above
        Unfailing sympathy,
        Undying love.

        Author unknown


Painting is "Rose Garden Bouquet"
by: Gloria Eriksen

Inglenook (Tubes by Marilyn) Bible tube

Jan's Designs Shadowframe Tutorial


<BGSOUND SRC="angels.mid" LOOP="3"> Midi is "Angels"
I found this midi at: Contemporary Christian Midi's and Lyrics