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*****Under God*****

I pledge allegiance to the flag,
Of the United States of America.
And to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.


This nation was built on a foundation of love.
So carefully patterned by the Father above.
Why would we want to take Him out of our pledge,
It's unconstitutional, is what we allege.

How could we even imagine, A world without Christ?
How could we think that it would ever last?
We think we're so smart, We put a man into space,
How could we ever continue without His Grace?

As we recite the pledge to a flag unfurled,
Let us not forget, God created our world.
He's allowed us to walk on this nation's sod.
Don't forget to include the words, UNDER GOD.


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