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####Summer is Gone####

Summer is Gone


Summer is Gone

Finally the day is gone.
The darkness is not complete
But the sun before leaving,
Set the sky on fire.
A festival of reds,
Purples and pinks, yellows ,oranges.....
The summer is not completely achieved,
But by the leaves of the trees changing,
I know that a coulour symphony,
Will soon be played by the trees everywhere.
It will be like a daily fireworks.
I know that the Autumn is coming,
With his procession of fogs,
Scents of evening wood fires burning,
Schoolboys shouts and laughs in the morning fog.
All the green coulours seems to have left,
And the nature before her yearly "death",
Tries to seduce me again with its enigmatic cloudy skies.
With its coming soon " concerto of browns",
The year is not still achieved.
The life of nature is slowing down.
Autumn will be the time to take more time with friends and family.
We have a year more on our shoulders.
It is almost the time to share souvenirs and to start plans for the new year.
The garden is slowly and silently falling asleep.
The last tomatoes are turning red.
The grean beans are over.
Some curly lettuce will be soon good enough.
It is a question of sun and days.
There is also a big pumpkin sitting enthroned in a corner of the garden.
Here too, it is a question of the scarcity of summer days.
Prepare yourself with lots of firewood and warm clothes,
And ready yourself for autumn.

Written by Francois Noel, Aurielle, France

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Autumn is near,
Harvest has passed.
The evening light,
No longer lasts.

The squirrels are gathering,
Nuts for their stash.
Scurrying hurriedly,
In a last minute dash.

The birds are gathering seeds.
Their fledglings have flown the nest,
Stockpiling their winter food,
It would seem they're doing their best.

The air is getting nippy,
Perhaps "Old Sol's" at rest.
I suppose he must be tired,
Or just not trying his best.

The pumpkins' glow a lovely orange,
Ripening in the field,
The trees are just beginning to turn,
Their leaves they're beginning to yeild.

The roses have come to a halt,
The petals long ago fell.
The Chrysanthemums signal autumn is here,
So loudly they seem to tell.

So get ready my friend,
Pull off your cap,
And settle yourself in,
For a long winter's nap.


by Charlene Mills

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