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((( I Love You)))

"I love you", He said, when He hung on the tree.
When the blood gushed from His side,
Not a word did He say.
No complaining from His lips,
Can you believe that He did it for me?

"I love you", He said, when they drove nails
into His hands and feet.
When He suffered in silence,
Not crying out in pain.
The thunder roared and the lightning crashed.
No one but Jesus could be so sweet.

"I love you" , When He said,
"Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
He hung His head and then He died,
He gave up the ghost, His mother cried.
The veil was rent, His life was spent.
Can you understand He did this for you?

"I love you", such a love,
How can one man care so much,
That He gave his life on Calvary?
That you and I might be saved.
That satan could not our lives enslave.
That one could love me, oh so much,
I thank you Lord, you did this for me.


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