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****Grandpa, Tell Me****

Grandpa Tell Me 'bout the Good Ole'Days

Grandpa, Tell me how it was in the good ole' days,
When you sat on a creek bank and watched your cork.
How it was to sit in the swing,
Or go for a walk in the park.

How it was to sit with the family,
And enjoy the evening meal.
Talking about the weather,
And money was no big deal.

What it was like to sit by the fire,
And discuss the days events.
The entertainment was good,
Best of all it didn't cost a cent.

Or how it was to pop some corn,
Or make a batch of fudge.
We'd enjoy it all so very much,
When bedtime came, we didn't want to budge.

Dad would say, Ok kids, it's time to go to bed."
We'd heat a brick to warm our feet,
We'd say goodnight and say our prayers,
And crawl between the sheets.

How we were taught to go to school,
And learn all we could learn.
We were taught there'd come a day,
When a living we must earn.

We were taught to honor God,
And show Him great respect.
That He was coming back to earth,
His children to collect.

Grandpa tell me 'bout the good ole' days,
When people seemed to care.
When people took the time to help,
And love was everywhere.

Grandpa refresh my memory,
When things were slower pace.
When folks were not competing,
It didn't matter who won the race.

How it would be if it were today,
If I were young again.
To sit on the bank and watch the cork,
Like we did 'way back then.

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