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Good Morning God

Good Morning God, I need to talk to you.
Things just don't seem as they should.
Seems folks just don't take the time,
To talk to you when I know they could.

It seems as though they just don't care,
That You love them and me.
That You supply our every need,
Oh God, Can they not see?

Do they not know that You spoke the word,
and put us on this earth.
That You have our life planned,
And have known it since our birth.

God, Why are people so busy,
That they don't know who You are?
Perhaps they heard about You one day,
But they push You away so far.

God, Perhaps there is something I could do,
I could show how much You love.
How You have cared so much for me,
Giving good gifts from above.

How you took my sinful life,
And picked me from the mire.
How you are here when I am all alone,
How you carry me when I tire.

Oh God, can I just help one friend today,
Know that You are near,
That all they have to do is bid You come,
And You will be right here.

God, It's nice to talk to you today,
Thank You for Your time.
Thanks for listening to what I say,
Thanks for loving me.(I know it doesn't rhyme)

God this is Charlene talking,
The one that lives on Maple Street.
Just want You to know, Your'e number one.
In my books, You can't be beat.

Now God You have a good day,
It's good to talk to you, You hear?
I'll do what I can to help You out,
Perhaps we'll talk again next year.

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Poetry by Allison Chambers Coxsey
Paintings by Larry Dyke
Poetry by Emily C. Mills

Copyright © Charlene Mills 1-7-2003

    Memories, Musings, and Meanderings.

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