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One little ripple at a time...

You see many stars at night in the sky but find them not when the sun rises; can you say that there are no stars in the heaven of day? So, O man! because you behold not God in the days of your ignorance, say not that there is no God. - Voltaire

And lo, with eyes like angels and breath like wind, they came... In dreams these eyes have seen beneath the waters of their tears...

But the self must be the whole, pulsating, carnal self, not some aspect of our being that we abstract from the whole and identify as the self. - D.H. Lawrence

This list seems to be evolving...

1. I love God.

2. My mother was a hippie/musician/Bohemian who played in the same coffee houses as Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell in the Village in New York. She didn't get famous like they did, and we grew up poor.

3. I swore my child would never suffer the way I did. But I think I will try and give her some of the wonderful things that are rooted in my unusual childhood....

4. I sometimes take no pride whatsoever in being American. I find our lot to be isolationist, obnoxious, selfish, arrogant and boorish. But we have good sports.

5. I often dream of packing up and moving to another country.

6. I adore the ambiance of tiny sparkling lights, and the sound of flowing water.

7. I'm still looking for true love. The kind with sex, I mean. I've already got the kind where you snuggle and color with crayons.

8. I have never had a one night stand.

9. When I was 7, I flew on a plane to New York all by myself to see my grandmother. She was a writer and her apartment was overflowing with books and manuscripts.

10. I think I inherited my love of writing from Grandma. (She passed away about six years ago.) Once she critiqued a poem of mine and it really pissed me off. She said it was too long - to cut out some words. Can you imagine!? Cutting out words! I wish I had her back here now to critique me. :-(

11. The G-spot is a much written about phenomenon, but I can't seem to reach mine. I think I may have been cheated ;-) Actually I think God has a strange sense of humor. A man's most sensually pleasurable area is right out there where you can grab it and suck it to your heart's content, sending him into writhing convulsions - so easy right? But a woman's is hidden way up a tunnel and off in a corner? WTF?

12. I love my daughter so much, it hurts.

13. Being a single parent in a culture that has forgotten the 'village approach' is the loneliest thing I've ever done.

14. I have a collection of glass bottles and jars on my window sills. They are aqua and purple and look enchanting when the sun shines through them. OK, to be perfectly honest, all my dishes are aqua and purple too.

15. (Pssst: Aqua and purple are the hardest colors to find.)

16. Loving someone who can't love you back has got to be the darkest part of human experience.

17. If I watch TV, it's sports or comedy (and the occasional road show - I dig antiques - shhhh). Bottom line - I like it to be real, but if it's not, it at least has to make me laugh.

18. The Internet was for a time, my Walden. Now I avoid it as much as possible.

19. I once thought I had found someone who was the perfect match for me, like a puzzle piece, but he turned out to be pretty much mentally unstable. Since then, I tend to run the other way when I feel attracted to someone.

20. I have been in love more than once but I have never experienced being truly loved (by a human of the male persuasion).

21. I want a PhD - BAD! I really want to see the "Dr." abbreviation before my last name.

22. I really do try and find the humour in almost everything.

23. This is highly annoying to some of my friends: I adore grumpy people and feel compassion for social misfits.

24. I would rather drink beer and watch baseball than clean or do dishes.

25. Haha! My house is sometimes messy ;-)

26. I am a good cook, and prefer my own cooking to most restaurants.

27. I am attracted to men who have a dark side, and a lot of passion. This inevitably gets me in trouble.

28. Some women are alarmingly sexy, but I have never sampled one. Too much of a lifestyle change - life is hard enough as it is!

29. I always have to match my shoes with my clothes. It's a bit of an obsession.

30.(I have a lot of shoes.)

31. I think long hair and big breasts are the quintessence of beauty on a woman.

32. Since I had my child, my food tastes changed. I now love beer and red meat. Thank God I have a fast metabolism!

33. Poker is one of my favorite games, most specifically Texas Hold-em. I used to play in the card rooms, and then on-line - now I'm back to the B&Ms.

34. In part, I financed the purchase of my house playing on-line poker. It paid for my car too.

35. I am going to buy one of those amazing plasma flat screen TVs that take up the whole wall next week!! I'm way excited. I can't wait to see a football game!

36. I've NEVER stolen someone else's man, even when tempted. I'd rather be alone than be with someone who is taken.

37. I dated a policeman once and he let me shoot his gun out the window while we were driving on the freeway. I didn't find it a thrill. I'll never have a gun in my home.

38. I don't have a lot of guilt, even though I've done stupid things.

39. I SO don't want to grow old alone. The thought terrifies me. I want more than anything to grow old with my best friend, still in love and still in lust, to the very end.

40. I pray a lot. Sometimes the answer is yes.

41. I never earned anything less than an A in school.

42. I realize it is obsessive to always strive for the top grade on every damn assignment and test, but it's what got me through university. I needed that competitive spirit to get me through the 3:AM homework grind over the years.

43. I crave tropical islands but have never been to one.

44. I feel things with an intensity that can make my life a roller coaster.

45. Amber beer in a freezer mug (icy cold to the last drop!) can make my whole existence feel worthwhile, at least for a few minutes.

46. I have written poetry and fiction since I was old enough to hold a pencil. My first poem was a great success, but I think I was the only one who was able to decipher it. ;-)

47. I am deathly afraid that some people aren't allowed to find lasting love. I wonder why some are allowed to see it through the glass, but never touch it.

48. I cried so hard watching The Color Purple that my chest started heaving in the uncontrollable way you see in children who are weeping too hard to breathe. NOT good in a movie theatre. My dad was with me and he was crying like a baby too. What a family.

49. When people tell me about their sorrows (and they often do) I sometimes find myself tearing up for their pain... as if it were my own.

50. Favorite band of all times: Led Zeppelin. It's the blues behind the rock that does it to me.

51. I will freak my friends out sometimes and put on Gregorian chanting. It gives me chills.

52. The happiest I have ever been is when I was in school.

53. I have a "black thumb" with plants, but for some reason, even I can't kill a lucky bamboo. They are all over my house these days. They look so beautiful with wood and glass.

54. These days I don't talk about God too much unless people ask about Him. I've learned it doesn't do any good until they are ready to hear.

55. I look forward to coming home and seeing my dog. I mean, I think about it at work and literally RUSH through the door to see her at the end of the day. That little pupppy gives me mass quantities of joy.

56. Little children are all breathtakingly beautiful - deserving of warmth and all the help we can give... I try and see the little child in adults as much as I can.

57. I believe that God sees us as little children and that's how He can love our stanky asses ;-)

58. I love the "light bulb effect" when a student gets a new concept and feels the rush of "YES! I CAN DO IT!" the taste of those moments is why I tutored all through school.

59. I live in Arizona. They say it's a "dry heat" but I say Yeah! So is the inside of an OVEN!

60. If I was a billionaire, I would never even consider spending all my money on ostentatious luxuries for myself. I'd get infinitely more enjoyment out of helping others.

61. I can consume more than 40 crab legs in a single sitting.

62. I'm a wine and steak snob: if it's cheap, I don't want any.

63. If I could, I'd go back and do it all again. There are a few things I'd like to make right.

64. Something I have learned on-line; the brain is the primary erogenous zone.

65. When my heart is hurting, I write.

66. I followed my ex into the bars to see what the big attraction was, and ended up getting addicted to shooting pool.

67. At one time I considered trashing my school plans and going on the pro women's tour. I didn't. But since poker has been so good to me, it looks like I'll be getting a pool table here in my very own game room. Look out Allison Fisher!!!

68. I give the best massage - ever. My hands feel so MUCH.

69. Attacking the weak - the socially cast-off - is the most repugnant act I can think of.

70. Telling people how you really feel is hard, but it makes you a better person. Too bad people hate to hear the truth.

71. I love animals, especially the baby ones. Nature in general takes my breath away.

72. I used to get a secret kick out of listening to my daughter make up stories and do all the voices of her characters... all this when she was in bed and supposed to be going to sleep. ;-)

73. I have always hated infidelity - I used to cry when I saw it in movies as a child.

74. I am a strict disciplinarian with my child. There are always consequences for bad behavior. I think kids rise to the level of expectations you hold out for them.

75. My little girl is an amazingly sweet, and well behaved child. She generates a love fest wherever she goes. However, she does not appear to be very conscientious about cleaning her room :/

76. I love to make peace where there are misunderstandings and long time resentments. Trying to do this gets me kicked in the teeth nine times out of ten. But I can't help myself.

77. I want my hair to grow down to my bum.

78. Bigotry makes my skin crawl, and I am not afraid to stand up and say something about it.

79. I'm getting better as I get older but the gray hairs piss me off. I pluck them out when I find them.

80. Summer was my favorite season till I moved to Arizona.

81. I was a melancholy little girl. I'll try and make up for that by being a hysterically funny old lady ;-)

82. I root for the San Francisco Giants even though my dad says they are traitors to New York just like the Dodgers are to Brooklyn. (He's a Red Sox fan).

83. I remember with fondness the Battle of the Bay, when the Giants played the Oakland A's in the World Series. Yeah, we lost, but I'm also a closet A's fan, so it all worked out.

84. Wherever I move, there is always a major earthquake. In SF, 1989, I was sure the earth would open up and swallow me.

85. I almost drowned at age three; my mother jumped in and saved me, and gave me mouth to mouth. I remember sinking to the bottom of the pool, and being aware I was dying... and not being afraid.

86. When I cry, or the sun hits them just so, my eyes turn green.

87. I grew up on a hippie commune in the mountains of Northern California. I think it affected my later political leanings. But I DON'T wear Birkenstocks!

88. I generally get along better with men than women, but I have a few special female friends who will always be close to me. I hope my best friend Missy leaves California and comes to live with me and the little princess. She is family to me.

89. I like people who are so real, it either makes you spit out your beer laughing, or makes you want to cry for them.

90. I tan a very dark brown in the summer time. Sometimes I get so dark no one can guess what nationality I am.

91. I have a bizarre urge to wear a Renaissance faerie dress and white velvet witch-cloak to my next poker tourney.

92. I love Spanish poetry - Garcia Lorca and Neruda are favorites of mine.

93. If a lobster came to live at my house, no matter how cute he was, I'd eventually eat him. I just love lobster that much.

94. I have a vivid dream life and have had genuine prophetic dreams.

95. I love lightning storms. They make my heart race.

96. I think love can change the world, one little ripple at a time.

97. Some day I hope to own a Mercedes Gull Wing. But I'll settle for a pearl colored Jag.

98. I love to fish rivers, lakes and streams. I'm a hell of a camper!

99. I enjoy reminding people that stereotypes are erroneous ways of viewing individuals.

100. My toe nails are painted with a French manicure and adorned with tiny rhinestones. I have no idea why. But it's damn cute.

(read at your own risk)

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This is my little one.

(She's the real angel.)

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summa cum laude from Arizona State University West, May 2003

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