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Notes from a faraway island
January 3, 2011
New Year winter antics

right now I am completely redoing the UMass Boston Nantucket Field station website (    ---- new version live on Friday January 6th). It will be faster, stronger, and capable of leaping tall buildings. I should be able to update it more, just like I hope to update this blog more often.

Don't forget, that this blog, the one you are reading, by all means stop now! has moved to

Just like many typical Monday after the holidays: we have a very dead whale carcass on the sand on the south side of the island. I think it is kind of beautiful, bleached bone with very old and leathery skin. An observant and helpful beach wlaker reported it and if I get permission to post the pics, I will.

Len's blog has been excellent lately; check it out at

Resolution #7643........ post more often, even if you only have time to post something short. Check out my blog above for my other life changing resolution.

last but not least- a cute youtube video of polar bears vs. scientific observation cameras (guess who wins)



Posted by Sarah at 1:35 PM EST
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