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Poetry Haven


Welcome to the humble abode of my writings.

Below are a showcase of some of my newest poems/short stories and stories.

I must ask that although their is nothing spectacular here, please do not attempt to steal any of it.

Ok, I guess as this writing is all from my head that you should know something about the head that wrote it.

Well, my name is Laura Fowler, I live in my own little world, but when in human form I live in a small village, that's in a small town, outside Sheffield.

Whilst not working I often find myself with keyboard in hand writing things, or finding myself with book in hand reading things.

Throughout all of this however I'm usually listening to instrumental music - it helps emote the soul you know!

When beginning a new piece, be it poetry or prose, I read this quote by the charmingly clever, Glen Duncan. In his book 'I, Lucifer' he writes

"...since every artist knows more than he can write, all art is lying by omission."

After reading this, I sat for quite a time pondering it's usage and how, the greats may have perceived it.

In the end I decided that despite this view, I was to be a liar, because I feel that with most poetry it is the omission of detail that makes a poem so human.


Any points or poetry you'd like to submit to be on here, please feel free to email me:


Onto The Poetry?







Freud's Revulsion