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fibric smoothie

First go out and buy 'sydänystävä vetekli' (or if you don't see the Swedish text because it is too small, look out for Finnish, 'vehnälese'. It has loads of fibres (48%) and it contains 14g carbs per 100g, which is not much considering that 1dl=20g! 1dl=2,8g of carbs.

and this is how to prepare it:
in a blender or mixer put

2dl water
about 1T soy flour
½dl wheat bran (vetekli, vehnälese)
1,5dl cream, or plain yoghurt, or curd (kvarg, maitorahka)
As much frozen strawberries or other berries as you allow yourself to put in. If the berries are a bir frozen it makes the drink cool and nice at the same time. It tastes better very chilled!
Add some sweetener if you wish!

it serves two, or one, if you want it all for yourself.

very tasty and easy to make

grilled peppers and onions

cheesy wraps with chili sauce

this is good as a snack, they don't keep you full for long, but they're very nice! Good for breakfast.

Ham slices as many as you want wraps
Cheese as much as you want any kind
Cream as much as you want, about 1-2dl is good
Chili sauce according to taste (check for some kind with little sugar)
Ketchup according to taste (remember that ketchup has sugar)
Black pepper

Cut the cheese into "french fries" sticks. You can even make them a bit thicker. If you like cheese.
Roll the sticks into the ham slices and place in oven form. Put them tight together so that they stay.
Mix the cream and the chili sauce (or ketchup) and pepper, and pour it over them. It doesn't have to cover them completely, but the ham might become dry/crispy if it doesn't.

Place in the oven (175 degrees celsius) for about 30 minutes.

This one is really nice! Tastes like summer! strawberry pie

Simple Choco or whatever Mousse

Cream 3dl
Egg whites 2
Something to give taste. Vanilla, cocoa, berries...

Whip the cream. Whip the egg whites separately until they're "hard". Mix the two together and add the taste. Put into bowls and refigerate.

I cannot remember how many portions this makes.
Depends on how much you eat I guess!

Summer Salad - totally wonderful and simple (invented by my blowfish)

You need (for 4 quite big portions):
Cucumber 2
Tomatoes 6
Onion 2, any kind
Balsamic Vinegar

Cut the cucumber and tomatoes into whatever shape you prefer. Chop the onion. Mix them together in a bowl and add about 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.
Very nice to have with grilled meat. :-P

Pink fluffy dessert

What you need:

1kg strawberries
5dl cream
2-3 egg whites (not necessary, but adds to the fluffiness)

First let the strawberries thaw a bit (if they're frozen), then put them in a blender and blend until smooth.

Whip the cream.

Whip the egg whites until they're hard. (for this to work you have to be careful so that there is absolutely no yolk left, and you bowl and tool should be clean and dry).

Stir it all together.

Add preferred amount of sweetener.

This should be enough for atleast 4-6 portions, but if you like big amounts, it will only feed three! Atleast that's what I hear... ;-)