A Goddess Awakening



Initiation ...

blade strapped upon my hip, candle between our breasts as we bless our light for this night of love.

your arms encircling my waist I mark this space for two alone calling to the elements to witness this sacred rite

my red-gold sari upon the floor, Sacred Harlots serving Her with reflections of candlelight upon our skin and glowing in Mardi Gras eyes.

with five-fold kiss, a Goddess birthed upon my sacred altar

goddess guided, goddess gifted

hidden places sought within, exploding in pleasure

ecstatic joy and tidal swells

juicy, wetness to be tasted, savoring the sweetness of swollen folds of woman


Your Softness ...

bent knee resting softly on the covers, backside lightly freckled, waiting in its sleep... to be awakened

flesh, soft breast, nestled in the cup of my hand

sweet brown rosebud, moist from the taste of my tongue, rising to meet my lips

in eager anticipation .........


Remembered Pleasure ...

Butterfly kisses on your skin flutter open places as yet unseen

taste and touch... the scent of you who is woman is poetry to my soul... awakening something new as before unknown

..... and yet so familiar ...


The Red Feather ...


she gave to me a red feather

presented like a rose

a lover's gift, brushing, tickling

pleasure's scent more pleasing

than the rose ?


The Crone's Secret ...


"Have you been together long?"

"Oh, our first date," claims she.

"How sweet,"

"Oh, yes," says she.

Looking at us thinking that lust is for the young,that we two crones are reaching for what is lost never to be regained.

How would they ever guess that for Goddess, Fire never dies, but is renewed with each new look upon Her face.

It is the Crone who touches youth most closely. For in her wisdom, She has learned to savor each moment and Her child awaits eagerly to emerge and play with the joy that comes only from knowledge of what life has taken and returned again.

To explode at the touch of Her mouth

To reach inside Her sacred sex.

Within, Her soul lies waiting

For joy renewed and ever returning.

Should we tell our secret .... No!

Share it only with the Maidens, for they know Her face, and they will understand.

The Rose ...

Tasting the dew from the petals of your rose bud   flower, I feel you rise to meet my lips, aching to be consumed in my passion. A flower unfolding in joy and pleasure, eagerly opening in it's yearning.


At the Beach...

We climb the white hills, our feet sinking in warm sand as we anticipate our joy together between the dunes up ahead.

I feel the cool, salty water licking our feet as we lay together in the pleasure of the day.           

I cannot wait to have the warm sun melting down upon our hot bodies, as we entwine ourselves and taste the sweetness of love's pleasure.

I can smell the sea mingled with the sweet scent of your lips opening to me and I rush to have love's wild pleasure.



My Sweet Fascination ...


My love is like this orchid;

   her tiny sweetness eager

        for my tongue's touch!



Soar With Me ...

as my fingers trace the curve around your breast, your flesh rises like an exotic flower about to bloom.

I feel your excitement mounting as I slowly trail down to the soft mound below your belly

soft and warm, I gently tease, kiss your thighs and secret places, lightly licking

your body moves in gentle rhythms snake-like across the sheets, inviting me to share your secrets

swollen lips I gently part, a flower yearning for the sun, honey dripped in it's wetness

I suck your clit and feel your heat as fingers probe your warm moist cave

you take me in and moan my name and wildly ride the waves

I have found the holy altar, your secret center place, goddess jewel filled with love

your soul unfolds in passionate pleasure, ecstatic rapture in your frenzy

bassarid revels cannot compare, your wild nature erupts and you are lost in total surrender

you leave this moment taken to rapturous places soaring in spirit, touching Goddess

lost in yourself your spirit divine, I take you to my holy place

Come with me, my Goddess Woman, soar on my gift of pleasure

ride the wind to unknown places touch Her face and know Her joy, a Goddess Flower unfolded ...

Inspired by passionate pleasure ...


A Goddess Awakening        Sacred Yoni Ritual      Found Love

Being In Your Embrace     My Love  

Friends' Poetry & Odds and Ends  
