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. ~~~POEM OF THE WEEK~~~ “Deceptive Love” You said you loved me, but that was a lie. You had no emotions for me You said you wanted me, and only me. But you were with him. You said we would be together, together forever. But yet I was just another. I wanted this relationship to work, for the both of us. Now it not but a memory thrown into the dirt. So go be with your lover, I know it’s not me. Say the things you said to me, but now to him. Make him feel the way the way you had made me feel. For I was just another line in your little black book. Then you could go break his heart, just like you broke mine. Your record of lies and deception, no other woman can beat. Don’t you know all you do lie, deceive and cheat BY: Peter Issa .


WWW.POETRY.COM- An excellent all around poetry site. Featuring the works of over 4.6 million poets. This contains many features, such as; Poems of the day, Poet search, September 11th poems, Poetic techniqes, 100 best poems and love poems, Poetry IQ test, And a numerous poetry and haiku contests.
WWW.POETRYMAGAZINE.ORG- Poetry magazines offical site. Site provides usefull information concerning poets, featured poets, history of poetry, and subsrciption information.
WWW.POETRY-PORTAL.COM- A very elaborate poetry site, with almost everything you need concering poetry. Features a list of many different ethnic poems,poetry events, poetry courses, styles and themes, poets in focus, and poetry publishing. Also featuring a list of poetry competitions nationwide.
WWW.MAGNETICPOETRY.COM- Just can't come up with a good poem on your own. This will help, a page dedicated to magnetic poetry(the magnets you put on your fridge, and you match words to make poems.) Provides information on where you can buy some, how to get a customized set and some really good poems people have made with the magnets.
WWW.POETICBYWAY.COM- Don't exactly understand the concepts or basic roots of poetry, this site offers a complete explanation with glossary terms, of pretty much everything you need to know about poetry.
WWW.AHAPOETRY.COM- Tired of the ordinary forms of poetry, take a look at these different types. Including Ghazal, Haiku, Renga, Sijo, Tanka.
WWW.FURIESFIRE.COM- Here is something strange and interesting. A quiz that tells you what kind of poet you are. After taking the quiz it will match you up with a famous poet that you mostly resemble.
WWW.POETS.ORG- Need help finding a poet, or finding information and peices of a certain poet? This website will fufill your needs, it includes a detailed biography and a list of famous peices.
WWW.LOVEPOEMSANDQUOTES.COM- Feeling a little romantic? this site features a large collection of love poems, love quotes, and love-type ideas.
WWW.NUBIANMINDZ.COM- Your complete resource page concerning black arts. Features many diffrent aspects of black arts, including poetry, art and short stories. Features a poetry contest open for all who would like to enter.
WWW.AMAZON.COM- Need to find books, of pretty much anything that has to do with poetry? Amazon has thousands of different poetry books to chose from. Including general, love, religous and an assortment of poetry books by different cultures.
WWW.4DEGREEZ.COM- Just for the TEENS!!!! A great site featuring teen jokes, quotes and poems.
SO YOU WANNA PUBLISH YOUR POETRY- Any body interested in publishing their poetry, should come take a look at this site. It provides information and gives usefull tips on publishing poetry.
WWW.MYOWNPUBLISHER.COM- A good universal reference site on publishing poetry, and other fine works.
WWW.POEMS.COM- Looking for a new poem for the day? This site offers a poem of the day, poetry news, and poetry archive.
WWW.AMERICANPOEMS.COM- For the all American poet, American Poems features; poet information, poem of the day, poetry discussion, and an array of poetry related links.