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~~~KENNETH ♥ JANNETTE ~ 12.18.03~~~
1.4.04 (10:57 PM) ~ I had so much fun last night! It was just really nice hehe.... and thanks so much for dinner sweetie! You're just the sweetest! =) ~UH...THAT GUY~
12.30.03 (10:54 PM) ~ Hmmmm... gosh today was a really interesting day... haha.... but yea... FUNNY when we'll think about it a few months from now =P... but it's ok... everything's gonna be alright sweetie! ~THIS IS WHERE I'D USUALLY PUT "KENNETH" BUT YEA... I'M THE ONLY PERSON WHO WRITES IN THIS THINGY~ hahaha
12.28.03 (6:54 PM) ~ Hey sweetie! hmmm... it's ok... we'll work on ur driving... but hmmm yea.... parallel parking takes awhile to learn. hahaha j/p j/p... u kno i love ya =) ~KENNETH~
12.25.03 (9:20 PM) ~ Hey Jan... I'm still workin on most of the site so umm dont expect much =P hehe... the messageboard doesn't work umm YET... haha... anyways... pretty bootleg rite now... but yeah someone wanted to SEE so =P ~KENNETH~
12.25.03 (1:09 AM) ~ Merry Christmas! I miss you so much Jan! Hope you liked the brownies n' ate them up! =) ~KENNETH~
12.23.03 (11:25 PM) ~ I miss you sweetie! ~KENNETH~
12.23.03 (9:00 PM) ~ Hey sweetie! This site is dedicated to you n' ONLY YOU Jan! This is where ima express most of my feelings to you... who in my eyes is the prettiest, sweetest, cutest, most beautiful person in the entire world. The fact that I'm with you makes me the luckiest and happiest person on the face of the earth. Hopefully our relationship will bring nothing but the best to the both of us. I ♥ YOU! ~KENNETH~

HoMe ♥ My DReAm ♥ SoNg QuOtEz ♥ OtHeR QuOtEz ♥ PoEmZ ♥  My JoUrNaL ♥ OuR MeSSaGe BoArD

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