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..good for mama... niece..
..sudah pop?
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Alif Azmoon Ahmad
Friday, 1 July 2005
Talking is good...
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: part of the baby intelligentsia..
Topic: ..good for mama...
It's been some time now that I am "talking" to my mama. She likes it so much when I go "gaa.." or "goo.." to everything that she says to me. She'll spend a good part of the morning to have a chat with me. She feels it with every fibre of her being, that I understand all that she says. To an extent, I do. All the things she says to me I just sum it up in 3 words... she loves me.

And I love her too. With every fibre of my being. Alhamdulillah.

Posted by poetry/azie at 6:48 PM JST
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Sunday, 26 June 2005 today gone tomorrow...
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: a baldy...
Topic: niece..
My mummy told me that this Saturday/Sunday was supposed to be my sister's day.. sis wanted our cousins to stay over from last week's BBQ (19 June), but permission wasn't granted then. And it was almost not going to happen this weekend too when they had made plans to go off somewhere for dinner...

But as today went, they came, not just the 2 girls but a whole bunch of others too! Yeah!! The more the merrier, mummy says!

And my little niece with the furry hair and sleepy eyes... she slept through it all. At the end of it, she became a baldy.

Did I tell you my niece is older than I am by about 10 days? Enough to make me a Taurus boy and her an Aries girl. Just like my sister..

Posted by poetry/azie at 12:01 AM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 July 2005 2:26 PM JST
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Sunday, 29 May 2005
The New Kid on the Blog
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: as Alif
Topic: Alif..Lam..Mim...
Today my mummy created this blog for me. My name is, as you can see stated above, Alif Azmoon Ahmad.

My mummy says she wants this blog to be something for all of us to share. To note not only my progress but that of my siblings too. She says she has other blogs too, but those aren't for sharing.

Mummy says many folks came to visit us when I was born and they presented many gifts too! She claims to know who gives what and when... but I think she is exaggerating because how could she possibly keep track? But she was adamant saying she knows.. and she is very grateful for all gifts and contribution.

And I should too! She wouldn't have it any other way!

OK, gaa-gaa goo-goo..

Posted by poetry/azie at 12:01 AM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 July 2005 2:37 PM JST
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Friday, 29 April 2005
And BABY makes FOUR
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: baby...
Topic: ..sudah pop?
My mummy told me that my sister (my one and only sister) sent her SMSs asking whether mummy has "pop"-ped... meaning - have I arrived into this world?

A few days back the answer was NO. Today - it's a YES cause here I am. Born at the Thomson Medical Centre at 5:38pm on this day, Friday 29th April 2005.

Mummy tells me she's very happy. Because Baby - me - makes four. Four children for her, like she has always hoped for..

Not quite my sister, because she wanted a baby sister...

However, I know sis loves me...

Posted by poetry/azie at 12:01 AM JST
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