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The Story Of A Girl

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Diverse Religion
Coolies Clothes
Auroras Poems
Auroras Diary

I have wanted to be heard, all my life, I wanted my words to reach someone and make a difference. If i make an impression that binds you to my art or me...Tiffany

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"I hurt myself today,
to see if I still feel,
I focus on the pain
nothing else is real"
"You can have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt..."

O.K. here is the possibly WORST ryhme I have ever heard...

All the water in the world
no matter how how hard it tried
could never sink a ship
unless it got inside
All the evil in the world
the blackest kind of sin
could never hurt you one least bit
unless you let it in.

I think I made my point...LOL!

Allright, I have to say i have been VERY VERY tolerant of the things that the christians have been saying and such of pagans being "beasts" and "murderers". First of all, in truth we do NOT perform sacrafices other than fruits and other natural elements to the goddesses, and honsetly the things i have heard sound like they are being written by a Jehovahs witness outcast, shrewd christ loving S.O.B. and I honestly hope they burn on their own conceptions of Christian HELL!

Blessed Be,
