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Most of us are familiar with the story of Pinocchio, but few of us realize he had a twin brother. Official version suggests Geppetto made a second, secret, spare that turned no good and strayed to alcohol, drugs and crime. In reality, Oihcconip was one of the top espionage masters of the 20th century known by many names. Ludwig the drunk, Soso, Lord Opum, Xe Wong, Astolfo Katz, Otto the Jew, Sleazy Helga, Sister Bernadette; are just some of the more famous pseudonyms he is known by. His clandestine activities spanned the most turbulent period of human history and affected the lives of millions. From his early involvement in the Balkans, the Russian-Japanese war, the pivotal role in the "London agreement" of 1915, through the famous meeting with Stalin during the Teheran conference and all the way to his last know mission during the six day war in 1967 in the middle east, one thing becomes clear: his actions shaped the world as we know it today. And yet, to most people even his very existence is yet unknown.

In those pages an attempt will be made to correct this terrible iniquity and vindicate this controversial, and often misunderstood hero. To show a glimpse of the warm, devoted and idealistic human hidden behind many veils. To resolve some of the ambiguities and put to rest many of the myths surrounding his past.

By the very nature of his vocation it is almost an impossible task. We searched countless archives, interview thousands of people and scanned the recently reopened Gestapo and KGB files. Many of the involved are no longer alive, or prefer to stay hidden. Many records where destroyed during the century of wars or by the politicians or governments fearing the truth. Still, even the small fragment left presents a bulk of information that will, no doubt, continue to be researched and will bring more knowledge and understanding.

Oihcconip - official portrait by Marc Chagall. The National Portrait Gallery, London.