You are the white in the clouds
the cotton in their softness
the plump in their fullness.

Your smile, is their smile.
Their optimism, is your optimism.
Their levity, is your levity.

The jubilance that they bring
to a warm summer's day
is the same jubilance that you bring
to a field of flowers.

Some people are an ambition,
some people are a feeling.
You are a feeling.
The type associated with a smile.
But not just any smile,
a carefree smile
with beautiful gentility
and free sovereignty.

Copyright ©2017 Ashi Shadow - 2/18/17 on Averi while listening to "Kissing" by Bliss.
I did not even realize that the word clouds occurred in that song until after I wrote the poem (I had started listening in the middle of the song).
It was just a feeling.
But that word is prominent enough in the song that perhaps I heard it without realizing it.
I considered something closer to " free to travel " or "independence" at the end.
I'm not fully satisfied with sovereignty.