Mud has fallen across the floor      
splotching itself all over my life   
creeping up unto the door            
'til there's no way out of my strife.
Out go the lights,                   
in comes the darkness,               
in come the black flies,             
in come the black scarabs.           
Flames are sprouting,                
so hot they numb,                    
so hot the senses flee;              
and I stand here dumb.               
There is the ceiling,                
there are the walls,                 
there they are crumbling             
I'll be crushed when it falls.       
I must get out,                      
escape from my hell,                 
or surely I'll die,                  
but it's just as well.               
Look how it crumbles,                
falling in place,                    
there goes my life,                  
all laid to waste.                   

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow