Your face floats before me, my a vue d'oeil.

Upon the dusty road
on a hill top lofty,
gazing across the water and trees
there was nothing but the wilderness to beseech me.
But wait, there upon the lake the ripples clear
and I was confronted with your face-
shimmering upon the water,
so vibrant is your skin,
synergistic with your glow
that time and toil become no factor
in my need to press beyond the call of the wild
to return to the world,
where once more I could see you again.

Stopping at an inn
and lying in my bed,
staring at the ceiling
my imagination painted with broad sweeping strokes,
depicting your face and your fine beautiful features.
And I could see your amazing smile gazing back at me,
melting my heart and making it yours-
as if it wasn't already.
Such was the pull that I could not tarry a moment longer,
and left unto the night.

At night upon the lonely road
the cool gentle breeze washed over me
and the dearth of life would have left me sad,
save that the stars began to swim
and their fixed positions turned mobile
until they'd formed your face
upon their backdrop of black,
and your sparkling eyes watched over me in the dark.

When day broke I arrived prior than expected,
and at the drawbridge to your castle
your face still filled my vision-
blocking out the birght blue sky
and echoing images of you laughing, across it.
Then the laughing slowly ceased
to yield a small coy smile
that fused into a soft smile.
The feelings inside pressed upon the walls of my heart,
stretching the skin and boundries of their containment.
Yearning to be set free rather than to be trapped
for even another fraction of a fraction of eternity.
But lo and behold- it was to be seen that they were rewarded,
for the smile in my head became the smile before me
as the face that I dreamt of was now the face in front of me
and I needed not wait another moment longer
to sweep you into my arms,
kissing you passionately and lending my heart wings
to fly to my hearts content,
pacifying my feelings until I could remain calm once more,
simply content... with her.
Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (11/8/02, On Jenna)
"vue d'oeil" means sight of eye (which I forgot and will forget again)