she spent her life
breaking the hearts of men,
making them want her
and doing as she pleased with them
before tossing them out of her life
with little regard for them as a person.

But she did it to men
who were unreliable,
and as
atrocious as she was.

When she met a man
who was
kind, patient, and reliable,
she found that her tricks did not work.
Like a trapeze artist
without gravity,
she found that her maneuvers
did not have the effects
that she intended.
He still stood there,
with calm eyes
and she felt a fool,
in such a way
that it was hard to bear.

But as she came down
from her high wire,
because her tricks did not work,
and he was still there;
she found, with her feet on the ground
that her heart worked
and that she did not know
what she had been missing
from her wire perch
up there.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - 2/18/18 - on fictional woman after hearing "Love Yourself" by Boxer Rebellion.
Also by Christopher Purdy in Zero Gravity Dance Party (Trampoline artist) who found his tricks didn't work in zero gravity.