She rose beneath the six white clouds
that came heralding the beginning of spring;-
a thirst in her soul telling her to go outside and look for her love,
like she had been doing for the past five years.
She strolled through the forest like a moth on the wind,
looking for the flower with the pollen so sweet that her heart would beat
like a budding flower just looming to burst out
and spread the sweet scent of love
over all the things that she touched and that she passed when she walked by,
and that only then, with the world honey-dewed by her love
could she be happy like she once was,
in a dream that drifted away 5 years ago,
that she hoped to rekindle in the coming year.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow
4/11/05 on Katie (and Me), with me wanting to find her (thirst), but she... having the ability to go out and find us, should she choose to do so.