For years I had sought the countenance
of one whom had one as beautiful as hers,
and then she came - a deer, as capricious as all things in nature.
And she was as beautiful as the night sky's stars - only more so.
It was as though a thousand years had gone by
Without a star in the sky,
Only to be replaced by a million supernovas, pink, blue, and beautiful,
lighting the heavens like they had always been there and never left -
though they never had been.
And then she looked at me and into me
With those brilliant, big supernova eyes
and told me that she loved me -
not with her words but with the way that she looked at me
with the way that her eyes softened and her body rised
like a sigh of relief - like she knew that somehow,
that in some way,
in her struggles with nature when she had run free
that she had in fact been looking, been guided
and been seraching,
for me.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow (08/11/03) on Katie.