Sunday, March 20th, 2011, 7:00 PM, overworking again.

I swivel in my office chair to look out the window at the fading light.
I wish I had brought a book to read while I am taking a break.
I turn on the song "Stand By Me" and stare out of the window,
and eat austere almonds, disconsolate.

I watch, for forty seconds, as the twilight fades from the sky
over the pine trees in the distance;
pine trees only tens of meters from me, but lifetimes away.

The violins crescendo behind the voice of Ben E. King
and I am transported to a world
which was many years ago,
when a girl with beautiful cheeks
   wanted to kiss me
and I walked beneath pine trees
more times in a year.

Just as long, as you stand by...
- but halt, my ignis fatuus, I have work to do.

I turn off the song.
I put a handful of almonds in mouth, and go back to work.

Copyright ©2011 Ashi Shadow -- March 20th 2011.
There is no rest for the wicked.
The girl was Katie.
I was more fond of her cheeks and smiles than any other physical thing on earth.
Disconsolate and austere were added later to show the mood better.