The saddest poem in the world
doesn't have betrayal, disloyalty,
death, cheating-on, abandonment, neglect,
pride, regret, shame, disablement, or death.

The saddest poem doesn't have rhymes,
meter, diction, synecdoche, epic metaphors,
symbolism, hyperbole, or similes.
The saddest poem in the world has just
five words, each of which has meaning:
She doesn't love me anymore.

Copyright ©2015 Ashi Shadow - 2/13/15 not first time I've considered this concept or written about it, it was inspired by another poem originally, possibly one by Pablo Neruda.
Considered "has a meaning" and also considered "means something".
I think it is necessary to make the first list slightly different, and to have death in it only once.
The original writing of it did not have the ":", originally there was a "." there, and I was not sure whether I should put the ":" in or not.
I think that for the reader, the ":" is better.