They say that it's a good thing
to have a significant other
who's wrapped around your finger.
But I assure you,
that I'd rather have
true love in hand
than all five fingers ringed.

So forgive me as I lie here on the floor
with my limbs outsprawled as I'm
bleeding across the ground,
and then tomorrow morning
when the sun rises
and I'm gone,
you'll have to be content
with my tears in your hand,
instead of my life.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow
8/25/03 on Katie. On mijusdging her/us and thinking that she'd love me as I love her and want to spend all our time together. The impudence is the... thought that I'd deserve or get such a thing. Yeah, right : P Bah. At any rate, it's... yeah, kind of suicidal too.