I've been watching pieces of my heart
disintegrating upon impact
with the atmosphere of the world,
in which you've left me behind.

I've been trying to find solace,
within the arms of other women,-
but I've instead found none in their
incontinence of will.

Every window that I walk by
seems to carry a reminder- of you,
whether a painting, a song, a word,
or even simply the color blue.

Even watching the squirrels scampering, or the racooons,-
seems to have lost its luster.
I watch them skip and skitter
and turn this way and that,
and yet somehow instead of filling me with glee,
it only makes me feel more distant.

The waves of lake Michigan no longer
crash and roar in synchrony with my heart,
and as I hear their breach upon the rocks
but 20 feet away, they seem to be falling 5000 miles away,
upon the heart I left in Hawaii- with yours.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 8/19/04 on Katie. Almost lost. Found on my computer desktop on Feb. 27th 2006 during a cleaning of things and cataloging of old poems. Good thing my harddrive never crashed. --> Note, to be fair I had put backups of my desktop in other places as I knew there were unfinished and uncatalogued poems there. But still.
Edit: A hardcopy was later also found in the back of a folder in 2008.