As he lay on his bed
he heard a question,
and he answered it.:

I am just a man,
lying in the sand.
Though my eyes are closed,
I am not asleep.

The woman that you ask of,
is not my betrothed.
But even if she were,
I would still wish she was.

Copyright ©2011 Ashi Shadow -- 2/06/11
Line 1 of first stanza and lines 3 and 4 of 2nd stanza indicate daydreaming.
Lying in the sand indicates the solitude of the situation.
"The woman that you ask of" is a fictional friend (of the man) who he likes, but they're not more than friends and have a complacent relationship (he knows they shouldn't be more than friends and so does she, they just like each other in a relative platonic way and he likes her more).
And "even if she were, I would still wish she was" indicates that he would not really have her even if he married her.
She would still be "elsewhere" or aloof in the relationship because her heart would not be with him.