Why do you have to hurt my feelings,
bludgeoning my chest and heart with your words.
Isn't it enough that you have humbled me.
Why do you have to push my knees into the dirt
I scream and yelp through the gums between my teeth
Tears well beneath my eyes,
and I whimper beneath your gnarled grasp,
Won't you let me go
before I develop calcifications on my heart
to protect me from your grip
and to protect me from the spines of the world.

Latter half wasn't really what was intended, but oh well.

Attempted revision, though not intended to make it better:

Why do you have to hurt my feelings,
bludgeoning my chest and heart with your words.
Isn't it enough that you have humbled me.
Why do you have to push my knees into the dirt
screams and yelps worm their ways through the gums between my teeth
While tears well up beneath my eyes.
I whimper beneath your gnarled grasp,
and beg, inside, 'Won't you let me go?'
If you don't, I may develop calcifications on my heart;
calluses to protect me from your grip,
and to protect me from the spines of the world.

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 2/18/07
Actually based on someone just saying something critical of me, and then rubbing it in unintentionally.
Though I was glad for the criticism.
(latter half reflective of self-esteem problems; soft shell, like an egg)
Originally untitled.