"Are you a dreamer?" She asked.
"I am," I said.
We stared at each other,
in silent understanding.
She did not know what it was
to be a dreamer, to the extent that I was
but she understood
what it meant.

She understood that it meant that my heart
had shades of maroon and burgundy
and folding felts of the night
hidden in its crevices.
That the Sun did not shine on me
with only light but also warmth,
and that for me the breeze
did not just shake the leaves
but tickled them.

She knew all of that
without actually knowing how it was,
and knew that
the implication
was that some of that would trickle to her
by staying with me over the years,
And she looked forward to it.

Copyright ©2017 Ashi Shadow - 9/21/17 on Rasika.
It is fictional.
It is based upon me sending her Wind by James Arthur:https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/wind-0 and imagining her reaction to it.
However, it is also an exaggerated reaction.
She is sufficiently a dreamer herself, that this is actually on some kind of fictional, less of a dreamer yet still having yearning, kind of woman.