I know that your affections mean cottonballs,
and that you don't keep your word.
I can see now that you rang your vows on a precracked bell,
and that when the time came, you walked the other way.
I've walked after you and looked away for far too long,
and now I'm the one who's the sufferer for it.
And yet I know that even as I tell you,
no matter what you say,
I'll know that at the end of the day
that you'll think less of me for it.
And that you'll hold gripes in my direction
(even if you never throw them),
and that maybe, mayhaps,
it might've been better if I'd just kept my mouth shut,
and curled up,-
even as I do now.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
3/28/04 on Katie, written with the I STILL LOVE YOU poem. Same reasons.