I have hunted for you
digging in the sand of the Earth
Not knowing where to find you
And aching for you in my heart.

It was not a sharp pain,
but a dull pain,
the kind of pain that squeezes
with every beat of your heart,
when you are paying attention.

And As the blood pumped through my veins
and my eyes scoured the crowd
for signs of intelligence and romance
you came behind me and slipped your fingers
around my waist
digging your claws into me and clutching me
to you by my mind.

Copyright ©2015 Ashi Shadow - 9/23/15 on Anjali.
Considered making the last line "then I was yours" or two lines by simply following the last line by "then I was yours" or "then I found you."
Slipping her fingers around my heart would actually probably have been a better line rather than around my waist, but I suppose I just did not feel that level of romance with her.
Plus, it might not have gone well with the imagery of the beginning part.
The claws are of course not a bad thing in this poem.