Cherry blossoms fall gently from the trees,
like the ashes from after the war.
Is this the peace that we fought for?

If this is happiness,
then why do I feel so depressed?
The world is so calm;
without the screams of children piercing the air,
and I can just sit here,
against the trunk of this tree, doing nothing.
But somehow, this isn't the peace I was looking for.
Must I go back into war?

Copyright ©2010 Ashi Shadow -2/11/10 on Kiera (sortof).
It's about the peace and happiness she gave me after meeting her.
I didn't long for Katie anymore, or anyone else really.
I just felt satisfied.
It feels more plausible that I'll meet someone who'll make me "reasonably" happy in the next 10 years, but not exactly the same as the passion I was looking for.
And definitely not Kiera, she's missing some attributes that are among the most important for me.
Originally was "a war" in last line.

It's lamenting the loss of searching for love.
That girl I really like isn't talking to me now, hasn't in about 8 days.
I think she might not want to speak to me again, I think she got bored of me.
But somehow, I'm not as keen at searching for love anymore.
Even though she was not what I wanted to marry.